How to look after your boards.
Wood is a beautiful, natural product which means it can be prone to marking and moving, but there are things you can do to help keep it's natural beauty.
Don't be afraid to use your board. The first time you wash it, the fibres will raise slightly, so it won't stay as silky smooth as the day you bought it, but the more you use it, the smoother it will become again.
Wash your board with hot soapy water, but do not leave it to soak. Simply give it a good scrub and either wipe it over with a tea towel to get rid of excess moisture, or leave it to drain, on it's edge so the water can fall away. Never leave a damp board flat, as it will not dry, and could move.

To keep a lustre to your board, treat it every now and again with board oil or board butter. You need to make sure that this is food safe. Many shops are now supplying board oils that you simply let soak in if your board starts looking dry. I make Timber Millers board butter from food safe mineral oil and beeswax; you simply spread on and leave to soak in, then buff away, leaving your board rehydrated and bright. It's advisable not to use food oils such as olive oil to treat your board, as they can become rancid and start to smell.